I had the luck to be contacted by Felicitas Klink and Janna Werner to be part of the new digital edition of the german magazin "Die Scrapperin". I was also pleased to see that my friends Liliema and Elisa were in it too! And honestly, the whole crew of this magazine is amazing, some of them you probably already know, and others you'll be happy to discover!
So check out here to download it: http://2frollein.blogspot.com/2012/02/die-scrapperin-digitale-sonderausgabe.html
merci pour le lien !!
RépondreSupprimerc'est chouette, ya plein de belles choses à l'intérieur...
Your project at "die scrapper in" is so great! I love it!
RépondreSupprimervraiment superbe ce mag..que de talents !